Welcome to ICD - for practical results driven short courses training
The Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) offers a wide range of short courses at its centres in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Rwanda. Plans are at an advanced stage to open offices in Lesotho and South Sudan. ICD is one of the leading centres of excellence in capacity building in Africa. We are proud to provide development oriented training and consultancy services that provide a difference in performance at the workplace. We guarantee you professional training.
The Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) is a non partisan independent Development Management training; Development research and Consultancy institution. ICD was founded on the need to continuously capacitate and enhance the skills of staff and decision makers in Government, Parastatals, NGOs, the Private sector, CBOs and all other development based institutions. The requisite skills are critical for sustainable and results based implementation of policy which will ultimately matter in the Social and Economic growth of Economies and the reduction of poverty and empowerment of people. All ICD programs take cognizance of the dynamic nature of different fields and hence the need to come up with contemporary solutions to problems using current participatory methodologies. Information Technology Skills and the Application of Computers are mainstreamed in almost all ICD programs.
It is our hope as ICD that institutions and individuals will be able to choose training programs that suit their specific training needs. ICD provides courses on site focusing specifically on identified training needs. Short Courses are contacted at our centres in Windhoek( Namibia); Pretoria ( South Africa) and Harare (Zimbabwe). Same courses can also be offered in-house at client premises or Client preferred venues. We welcome you all to ICD and assure you of a different results oriented Management Training experience. As we begin the year surf through our website and send in your training requests. The ICD Coordination team is there to assist you with all the needed logistics to allow you participate in our scheduled training workshops and short courses.
Attending Latest Short Courses Training at ICD
ICD offers practical results oriented shorts courses aimed at developing the capacities of individuals and organisations. Delegates are taken through participatory sessions that also cover study visits for purposes of benchmarking. It is this approach that makes ICD the preferred centre of excellence in training and capacity building. ICD is flexibility in customising course content and changing dates to meet specific groups also fits well with different organisations schedules.
The Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)’s focus on results based short courses training has made it an institution of choice in Training. International institutions like United Nations, World Bank, USAID, and United States of America Government; UNMISS; UNMID; COMESA; ECOWAS; EAC; NEPAD; IGAD and governments in Africa and in the middle east and Asia have send their staff for training at ICD. ICD values the professional output of employees at the workplace. The output and delivery is focused towards ultimately making a difference in people's lives. This applies to private companies, Government, parastatals, NGOs and all other development partners. This is where ICD is different from the rest in terms of its delivery. The Management training is focused towards achieving results at the work place. Results that will filter into effective policy delivery and implementation. So individuals; institutions and government come to ICD for the results based short course training; conferences and Workshops. Chose ICD for your unique and enriching training experience. At ICD you will experience:
- Results Based Development Oriented Training
- Customised Training
- Participatory Training Methodologies
- In-house Training
- Technology Driven Training
- Custom Care
- Networking and Exposure
ICD is acutely aware of and up-to-date with these changes thanks to our close partnerships with industry and private and government sectors. Our short courses are continually reviewed to ensure they are keeping pace with these changes, reflect the real world and provide the skills employers are demanding.
How Short is Short?
Duration of a short course can vary, ranging from one or two days, to several months. Most of ICD short course are done over 5 days or 10 days depending on the training area.
Customized Short Courses
ICD also has extensive experience in customizing short courses for corporate delivery, focusing on flexible-training solutions. We can work with you to identify the specific learning needs that are linked to business goals, then design and develop flexible learning and assessment strategies that meet the outcomes you specify.
Assessment and Articulation
Our strengths in work-based learning and adult Learning education can benefit you and your organization. We are able to:
How Short is Short?
Duration of a short course can vary, ranging from one or two days, to several months. Most of ICD short course are done over 5 days or 10 days depending on the training area.
Customized Short Courses
ICD also has extensive experience in customizing short courses for corporate delivery, focusing on flexible-training solutions. We can work with you to identify the specific learning needs that are linked to business goals, then design and develop flexible learning and assessment strategies that meet the outcomes you specify.
Assessment and Articulation
Our strengths in work-based learning and adult Learning education can benefit you and your organization. We are able to:
- Develop appropriate assessment - linked to learning strategies - that validate the achievement of outcomes
- Apply a wide range of ICD recognition processes for the learning gained in short courses
Register to attend and the ICD approach in Capacity Building and Training